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Global Disability Summit 2022: committing to change

screenshot of Nafisa, a South African woman with shoulder-length darkbrown hair. logos of Light for the World and the Global Disability Summit are in the top corners.
Nafisa Baboo presents Light for the World GDS commitments.
  • Disability Rights
  • Latest

The Global Disability Summit 2022 offers a crucial opportunity for governments, civil society and businesses to step up their actions for disability inclusion. Expectations for new commitments on the rights of people with disabilities are high. Light for the World will play its part.

Action on inclusion

More than 1.2 billion people in the world have disabilities, 80% live in low- and middle-income countries.

It is high time that disability rights are respected everywhere and that participation of people with disabilities is secured.

While we expect governments and the whole development sector to take serious action, we at Light for the World will also play our part. To contribute to change for people with disabilities, we have put together our own 22 commitments to the Global Disability Summit.

Our commitments

Light for the World’s commitments range from antidiscrimination and gender equity to actions around education, employment, health, climate action and humanitarian relief.

Over the coming four years we will implement these commitments and monitor progress. We will do this with our amazing partners, including: the International Disability Alliance, national and local Organisations of People with Disabilities, partners such as the Austrian Development Cooperation and Inclusive Futures / UK aid, local civil society, and the public and private sector.

Here is a short summary of Light for the World’s commitments, in pictures.

Hear it from our experts

Nafisa Baboo, Director of Inclusive Education, presents our commitments on inclusive education.
Elie Bagbila, Director Light for the World Burkina Faso, presents our commitments on participation and leadership of people with disabilities.

Our commitments in full are found here.

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