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Our People

Board of Trustees

Hanna Jovanovic
Deputy Chair
Mary Nyamasi Asiyo-Vogel
Board Member
Andreas Onea
Board Member
Tigist Alemayehu Tiruneh
Board Member
Daniel Etya´ale
Board Member
Stanley Mutuma
Board Member
Martine Vandermeulen
Board Member
Klara Landau
Board Member
Jaroslav Žahourek
Board Member


Anneke Maarse
Thematic Director Economic Empowerment
Jennifer Pitter-López
Expert on Gender & Climate
Mathilde Umuraza
Expert on Gender & Gender Based Violence
Geoffrey Wabulembo
Expert on Eye Health & Neglected Tropical Diseases
Marieke Boersma
Expert on Rehabilitation & Child Safety
Wolfgang Gindorfer
Expert on Uncorrected Refractive Errors & Child Eye Health

International Management

Marion Lieser
Chief Executive Officer
Lucy Nyaga
International Director of Programmes
Katri Bertram
International Director of Impact & Advocacy
Alexander Buchinger
International Director of Fundraising
Christina Reiter
International Director of People & Culture
Anne Marie Leenen
International Director of Finance and Operations

National Country Directors

Daniel Oloo
Interim Country Director Kenya
Étienne Bagré
Country Director Burkina Faso
Aynalem Tefera
Country Director Ethiopia
Silvester Kasozi
Country Director Uganda
Sophia Mohammed
Country Director South Sudan
Zacarias Zicai
Country Director Mozambique