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Disclosures pursuant to § 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce-Gesetz) § 14 of the Austrian Commercial Act (Unternehmensgesetzbuch), and §§ 24 and 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz)

LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International – Organisation for Inclusive Development
Niederhofstrasse 26
A-1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 (1) 810 13 00 
Fax: +43 (1) 810 13 00 – 15

ZVR-Nr.: 315688676

Office hours

Please note that visits are only possible by prior arrangement.

You can reach us by telephone at the following office hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9.00 AM – 12.00 PM, 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Friday: 9.00 AM – 1.00 PM

Austrian Quality Seal of DonationsSpendengütesiegel (in German)

Responsibility in terms of the Austrian Quality Seal of Donations (Spendengütesiegel):

Fundraising (Spendenwerbung): Mag. Alexander Buchinger
Use of funds (Spendenverwendung): Marion Lieser
Data protection (Datenschutz): Maga Erika Tschofönig

Chief Executive Officer: Marion Lieser
Data security and Privacy: Erika Tschofönig
Online Content Editor: Andreas Betsche
Editorial team: Andreas Betsche, Dawn Rennie

Regulatory Authority

Vienna Regional Police Headquarters, Department of Association, Assembly and Media Law (Landespolizeidirektion Wien, Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten)

LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International is a non-profit organisation under Austrian law and is subject to the Law of Associations 2002 (Vereinsgesetz 2002), available at

Purpose of the association:

The association’s purpose for LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International is to contribute the so-called developing countries to a world where persons with disabilities fully exercise their rights. Persons with disabilities living in poverty are amongst the most excluded groups in society. They are at the centre of the association’s work, and they drive the change.

Members of the associations board:

Thomas Shakespeare, Hanna Jovanovic, Mary Asiyo-Vogel, Daniel Etya’ale, Klara Landau, Stanley Mutuma, Andreas Onea, Tigist Alemayehu Tiruneh, Martine Vandermeulen, Jaroslav Žahourek

The underlying concept of the media is:

This website, any newsletters, mailings and other means of communication are intended to inform members, (potential) donors and sponsors, and all interested people or entities about the association´s mission to support persons with disabilities living in poverty, especially in eye care provision, independent living, inclusive education and disability rights. 

Technical realisation

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