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Privacy policy for applicants (EN)

Privacy policy for applicants according to Art. 13 GDPR

1. Name and contact data of data controller

The data controller for processing your personal data is:

Light for the World International (hereinafter also referred to as “We” or “Us”),
ZVR [Central Register of Associations] no.: 315688676
Niederhofstrasse 26/3, 1120 Vienna,
Tel.: +43 1 810 13 00,
Fax: +43 1 810 13 00 – 15,

2. Data Processing applicant management

2.1 Extent of the processing of personal data

When you apply to us at Light for the World International, we process the personal data you provide which we need for your application, meaning: your first name, last name, nationality, work permit, language of correspondence, email address, phone number, address (city, country), CV/details in resume (e.g. education details/type of education, work experience, special qualifications and other CV information).

You provide these data voluntarily. However, if you do not provide these data, we may not be able to process your application, as certain information about you is required to assess your suitability for a position. In this regard, we process the following personal data that relate to you: date of application, type of application, history of application, correspondence with applicant and assessment of the application.

All other information that is not required data, such as title, date of birth, fax number, detailed address, photograph, references and certificates, covering letter, other additional information, and particularly sensitive data (e.g. religious denomination and special requirement for the interview), may be disclosed voluntarily, and appropriate documents can be provided. These data is then treated for the same purpose as the required data.

If you yourself have provided particularly sensitive data in accordance with Art. 9 GDPR in your letter of application or other documents submitted by you for the application procedure (e.g. a photo that reveals ethnic origin, etc.), your consent also applies to said data. Light for the World International assesses all applicants solely on the basis of their qualifications and therefore asks that any such information not be included in the application, as far as possible.

At the advanced stage of the application process, your preferred start date is also required and background checks are carried out to meet general compliance requirements (e.g. obtaining personal references, sanctions list checks and criminal record checks for certain positions/job groups).

2.2 Legal basis for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for processing applicant data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR and therefore processing is for the performance of a contract or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract. By applying to us, you are requesting that we process your application data as part of the application.

Where background checks are carried out at the advanced stage of the application process, our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR is the relevant legal basis. Light for the World International has an interest in meeting general (legally/contractually required) compliance requirements.

The storage of your data for 24 months beyond the relevant application process is based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a and Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR.

2.3 Purpose of data processing

The purpose of such data processing is the smooth administration of applications and therefore the efficient handling of the application process to fill open positions. We therefore only process your data for the purpose of processing your application and considering you during the application process, and to decide on filling the position for which you have applied.

If the decision is in favour of appointing the applicant to the vacant position, the data provided will be transferred to the HR file, insofar as this is necessary for HR administration, and will be further processed for the purpose of the employment relationship.

If you consent to your application being kept on file, we have to store your applicant data so that we can inform you of a suitable vacancy at a later date, where applicable. We therefore store your application data for a period of 24 months and will contact you when a suitable position becomes available.

2.4 Recipients of data

We use the following IT/software service providers, who may also have access to personal data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions, in order to be able to provide the IT services for us.

  • ITdesign Software Projects & Consulting GmbH, Anton Freunschlag-Gasse 49, 1230 Vienna, Austria
  • SAGE GmbH, Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 15, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • Jacando AG, Münchensteinerstrasse 41, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

We also use REISSWOLF Österreich GmbH, Reisswolf Strasse 1, 2100 Leobendorf, Austria, as a service provider for the destruction of files. The company has access to personal data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions to be able to provide the services for us.

Insofar as background checks are carried out in the advanced application process, we use Member Check Pty Ltd ACN 129 012 344, Suite 213, 7 Railway Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia as a service provider for this purpose. The transfer of personal data is based on suitable guarantees (standard data protection clauses 2021/914 of June 4, 2021) pursuant to Art 46 para 2 lit c DSGVO. These are available upon request at

2.5 Storage period

The data are stored from the day on which rejection of the application has been received as evidence for potential claims under the Austrian Equal Treatment Act (GBG) and Disability Employment Act (BEinstG) for a period of 7 months (6-month period to bring a complaint including 1 month to include the initiation of legal proceedings) or up to 24 months with the consent of the data subject(s) for record keeping.

2.6 Further processing

The data collected for the purpose of processing your application shall be further processed in the event of the establishment of an employment relationship, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 4 GDPR, for the purpose of HR administration and career management. Further processing is closely related to the original purpose of collection (the application process), as the purpose of further processing is to transfer the data to the HR file for the purpose of the employment relationship and/or to identify opportunities for development.

2.7 Rights of the data subject

You may withdraw any consent you have given us to process your personal data at any time. Please let us know either by email to or by letter to Light for the World International, FAO People and Culture, Niederhofstrasse 26/3, 1120 Vienna, Austria.

Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent prior to its withdrawal.

You also have the right of access (Art. 15 GDPR), the right to rectification (correction) (Art. 16 GDPR), the right to erasure (deletion) (Art. 17 GDPR), the right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR), the right to object (Art. 21 GDPR) and the right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR).

If you suspect that your personal data is being processed unlawfully, you can contact us at any time (email:, phone: +43 1 810 13 00 – 0). You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (

Last updated: 25/08/2023