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Learning Series 04: Two decades of Light for the World Programmes in Bolivia and North-East India

Results, Changes and Lessons Learnt, 2004 – 2023

For two decades Light for the World has been promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for people with disabilities and access to essential eye care services in Bolivia and North-East India. Following the strategic decision to gradually phase out the two country programmes by the end of 2023, an outcome evaluation was conducted. The evaluation attempted to record the long-term effects and structural adjustments brought about directly or indirectly by Light for the World’s financial and technical support to the local implementing partners. This publication summarises the key findings and derived lesson learnt. These provide valuable insights for programming of development organisations working with implementing partners in similar contexts. 

Authors: Sigrid Baldinger / Natalia Cubelo / Kristie Drucza / Klaus Minihuber  

Year of publication: 2023 

Learning Series 04_EN

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