Quality Seal of Donations: Spendengütesiegel

LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is a non-profit organization in Austrian law. We are audited annually in order to qualify for Spendengütesiegel, the Austrian Quality Seal of Donations. Please find information on the Spendengütesiegel here in German.
Responsibility in terms of the Austrian Quality Seal of Donations (Spendengütesiegel):
Fundraising (Spendenwerbung): Mag. Alexander Buchinger
Use of funds (Spendenverwendung): Marion Lieser
Data protection (Datenschutz): Maga Erika Tschofönig
Anti-Corruption & Transparency
LIGHT FOR THE WORLD uses every single Euro efficiently and to the greatest possible effect. In order to ensure transparency, integrity, and prevent corruption we have introduced an internal control system. Our Anti-Corruption Policy includes measures such as:
- a code of conduct
- anti-corruption clauses in our partner contracts
- awareness-raising and training of our staff in our own and partner organizations
- a whistle-blowing hotline
- a biannual anti-corruption report
In addition, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International and all its members, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and the United Kingdom have their accounts audited by independent external auditors.
LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is a non-profit organization, contributions to which are tax-deductible in Austria. Donations in Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belgium and the United Kingdom are tax-deductible. To ensure that your online donation is deductible, please make sure to donate via your national website.
Annual report
Erika Tschofönig
Data protection & transparency
+43 1 810 13 00 – 14